Brief feedback from our first purchase from this charity (a bedhead). We live in Sheffield - the mahogany bedhead we bought was in Tamworth - we bought it for £10! We thought, for a moderate price, we could simply get a courier to pick up the bedhead and deliver it to us - we did deals with 2 couriers but each time they failed to collect it, even when the item was relocated to Phil Callaghan's house. To our huge surprise, Phil offered to bring it himself to our home in Sheffield for an unspecified donation to his charity - it was up to us how much we donated. To share the burden, we compromised and agreed to meet him at an M1 service station at 10am this morning. We arrived at 9:40 but when we located Phil, he told us he had been there from 8:30 because he didn't want to be late. Anyway, it duly happened and we are very pleased with the quality of the item. But WOW, which other charity would have gone to such lengths to satisfy a customer. Phil and his wife Jayne, who was involved in negotiating this solution, are amazing. In addition to the great service they provided, they are wonderful people with warm , happy characters, which makes you feel proud to know them. We wonder why there aren't any big retailers like this - wouldn't that be wonderful? Many thanks Phil and Jayne - Ken Morton .